許多眾籌專案都被推遲,但根據Kickstarter 的數據,9% 的 Kickstarter 專案最終都失敗了。雖然這些創作者似乎最常以缺乏科學素養或消息不靈通的支持者為目標,但即使採用最聰明的行銷策略,即使是您最聰明的朋友也可能成為這些S 活動的受害者。
#1 Coolest Cooler,1300 萬美元
位居榜首的是Coolest Cooler,這是一款小型機器,它不是用來冷卻飲料的,2014 年卻蒸發了1300 萬美元。混合冰沙、播放音樂並為手機充電。由於 Coolest Cooler 聽起來像是每個野餐愛好者都渴望的一體化工具,因此它立即聚集了超過 62,000 名支持者。在推遲了兩年之後,Coolest 試圖透過另一次「加急」交付從其支持者的口袋裡榨取更多的錢,前提是他們多支付 97 美元。
當 Kickstarter 剛起步時,沒有人對風險持謹慎態度。早在 2014 年,Kickstarter 仍然是一個讓許多人興奮的不斷擴張的平台:每個創作者似乎都是真正的發明家,迫切需要您的幫助,將他們有意義的專案變為現實。某些項目可能會出現一些延誤;但成功的案例更為常見。
#2 Znaps ,230 萬美元
圖片來源: Kickstarter
“Connection is a znaps away!” is what Znaps pitched its 70,122 backers, but the company did quite the opposite. The CA$9 magnetic adaptor that claimed to provide a seamless charging experience is neither delivered nor functional. Two months prior to the promised delivery day, Znaps stopped updating and responding to their customers, until a year later, some customers claimed they had received an email from Znaps about lost orders and discounts for retail sale of Znaps. Recently, the Hong Kong government disqualified the deal from an ICT Award it won in 2o16 for its indefinite delay.
與其他本地銷售平台上的欺騙行為相比,Znaps 主導了整個市場。部分原因是來自香港、日本、韓國、美國、義大利和德國(更多資訊見下文)的眾多媒體對 Znaps 進行了從商業、技術到生活方式的報道。光是 Znaps 的 Kickstarter 頁面的總點擊次數就超過48,496,000 次。此外,強烈的宣傳表明良好的市場反應,這是政府在向新創公司和專案提供獎勵、資金和曝光時考慮的因素。
經驗教訓:(2) 提供人們願意付費的突破性解決方案
沒有 iPhone 用戶願意刮傷他們珍貴的小工具,但產品設計本身就很難不刮傷。只需幾美元,Znaps 轉接器就能輕鬆解決困擾每個 iPhone 用戶太久的問題。
#3 Arist, 80萬美元
The team behind Znaps is not the first time failing a public campaign on Kickstarter, they had launched a coffee machine Arist a year before. Over US$800,000 were raised for this remote coffee brewer smartphones can take control over. Despite being endorsed by the Hong Kong government with an ICT Award in 2015, Arist failed to deliver any product to backers even until today. With their proven record of “crowdfunding success”, the team later started a business (archived) to teach potential creators the know-hows and profit from 30% of the fund raised. Regardless, the founders of Znaps and Arist blatantly denied any scamming accusations.
與Znaps類似, Arist利用其廣泛的宣傳和政府的認可來加強其眾籌遊戲。 Arist和Znaps都有力地證明了媒體報道會讓好事不斷發生。
#4 Kobe Red 0 美元(可能超過 120,309 美元)
最後,所有誠實的創作者和支持者的勝利來了。該活動在最後一刻立即被 Kickstarter 暫停。該項目以高端神戶牛肉製成的「首創美食風味」肉乾,價格令人難以置信,一個月內就籌集了 120,309 美元。鑑於當時對日本牛肉進口禁令的解除,人們對牛肉的大量供應產生了懷疑,而且由於缺乏生產者信息,這種懷疑愈演愈烈。 Kickstarter 被迫永久停止該專案。
From his or her Japanese upbringing to positive reviews by customers, creator of Kobe Red told backers almost everything (except his or her contact information). In addition to a personal touch, customers’ reviews presented the beef jerky as something that had been through rigorous R&D process. Backers were more likely to be sold and bought the “how-I-love-the-tasty-jerky-from-my-homeland” story.