Sure you have heard those horror stories: Once you put all the effort to Website Migration and a new and shiny site is here - along with the tragic loss of traffic and revenue.
planning your SEO strategy smart, Website migration can be a great chance for your business to boost organic visibility and traffic, for example, by improving website flow or content issues.
Rhea 是一位全面的SEO 專業人士,在全球和亞太地區的內部和代理商職位管理 SEO 專案方面擁有超過 10 年的經驗。她是匯豐銀行亞太區前區域 SEO 主管,曾與Nestle APAC、FedEx APAC 和 PayPal HK 等公司合作。
✔ 想要平穩過渡且不損失任何流量的網站擁有者。
✔ 正在製定保持排名計劃的內容創作者或部落客
✔ ✔ 公司可能進行品牌重塑/網站改造和數位轉型的行銷人員/創辦人將了解實際的做法和禁忌
✦ 抓住難得的機會學習頂級 SEO 技能和成功網站遷移的關鍵因素。
✦ You will not only learn the the strategy by steps but also learn the cases & projects shared by our very experienced SEO professional, Rhea Teves, from her 10-years experience in SEO, both in the Global and APAC region.