What is Growth Hacking & What does a Growth Hacker do?

2021 年 9 月 2 日

Growth Hacking has been one of the most popular concepts and terms in the business and startup world for the past decade. Apart from Silicon Valley, you will also notice a lot of vacancies in Growth Hacker and Growth Marketer that are offered by various companies on job opening portals. 

But what does a Growth Hacker do? Why do we always hear about Growth Marketing? And what are the differences between Growth Hacking and Growth Marketing ? 

What is Growth Hacking? 

The term Growth Hacking was coined by Sean Ellis, one of the entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley in 2010. He pointed out that the concept of Growth Hacking is a term of strategies subjected solely to growth. Commonly used in early-stage startups that need massive growth in a short period of time with small budgets. Typical examples include Airbnb and Dropbox. Growth Hacking is widely used in startups because the goal of growth hacking strategies is to acquire as many users as possible while spending as little as possible. Eventually, many people will call themselves a Growth Hacker. 




Although Growth Hackers and Traditional Marketers may share some common tactics , they are far from the same thing. Below are a few of the most significant differences: 




Traditional marketers usually work according to the annual marketing schedule with minimal changes. What differentiates the Growth Hackers is the ability to think both analytically and creatively. They seek rapid growth in a short period of time. If the results that appear are not as effective as expected, Growth Hackers usually take immediate actions to adjust and change the plan. 


大多數行銷人員不懂編程,但成長駭客需要深入了解一些程式語言,例如 CSS 和 HTML。專業水平可能因不同公司的組織結構而異




Just like how we talked about the data-driven mindset, it’s essential for Growth Hackers because Growth Hacking is a data-driven field. Analytic tools that are commonly used by Growth Hackers include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc; to find out website traffic data to understand consumer behavior for the next decision making. Growth Hackers also need to be familiar with Excel or Google Sheet to effectively do data tracking and analyzing. When the data itself is sufficient, it is a bonus point for Growth Hackers that can handle Databases and SQL and have experience with some CRM systems such as Pipedrive. 


Growth Marketing has a lot to do with Marketing. Acquisition channels can be very broad, which include Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Organic Social Media (Facebook / LinkedIn / Instagram / Twitter), SEO & SEM, Paid Advertising, etc. A Growth Hacker should have a know-how on the above marketing skills, but it can vary from different companies and  industries. 


One of the biggest differences between a Traditional Marketer and a Growth Hacker is technical proficiency. Most of the seasoned Growth Hackers have additional programming skills such as CSS / HTML. It helps you to better optimize the landing page yourself based on the results on Google Analytics. 


Remember we talked about better optimizing your landing page? If the Growth Hacker has knowledge of UI / UX, it can improve the user behavior pattern with the collected data while doing website optimization. A user-friendly website has a major impact on all the click-through rates, conversions, and customer retention rates. If one has basic knowledge about UX, they can definitely help in product optimization or suggestions. 



Growth Hacker job roles are always increasingly on the rise for startups. The core quality of a Growth Hacker is being able to adapt to a fast-paced working environment, be ready to change, and jump into a brand new strategy anytime, just like a startup company. Growth Hackers are essential to have the following mindsets in order to live with this position and help the company grow rapidly in a short period of time. 


快速成長的新創企業資源和預算有限,成長駭客尋求在短時間內實現大規模成長,因此速度就是一切。例如,如果活動計畫得分為 100,則需要更多時間和資源。但新創公司並沒有這些資源的特權。重要的是不要被完美主義沖昏頭腦,如果活動得分為 80 分,那就去做吧。您以後隨時可以完善它。


速度 > 完美,這意味著執行過程中可能會出現一些錯誤。您需要有一個 B 計劃,如果問題容易發生,可以使用替代計劃。如果錯誤不可避免,那麼無論速度多快,仍然是浪費精力和時間。

Data-driven mindset 



每天學些新東西。例如,每個人在新創公司中都沒有任何成就。沒有人知道哪種決策或策略是最有效的。成長駭客能做的就是不斷學習新技能和新工具,以幫助你從多個角度看待或解決問題。如果不起作用,請準備好拿出新的戰略、工具和戰術。想知道當今成長駭客常用的 100 種工具是什麼?點擊此處下載Growth Hackers常用的100個工具清單(註:目前為中文版,英文版即將推出)。



Full Beginners Course to Growth Hacking (Growth Hackers) 

由最大的Growth Hackers線上團體之一組織,在3.5小時內逐步引導學生了解Growth Framework的基礎知識、所需技能以及Growth Hackers的常用工具。還有線上資源供學生參考,適合對 Growth Hacker 概念還比較陌生的初學者。

[2021] 數位行銷成長駭客(7.3 版)(Udemy)

這個9小時的線上課程適合在數位行銷方面有一定知識和能力並準備成為Growth Hacker的人。主要關注網站流量、數位行銷管道,分享SEO、電子郵件行銷、病毒式行銷、PR等最新趨勢。

成長駭客與數位行銷 - 從執行到管理

Growth Marketer Academy (GMA) is the 1st growth marketing school in Asia, with footprints in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Jakarta, Manila, Singapore, etc. Apart from the 12 weeks Growth Marketing Bootcamp, GMA also provides a few short-term topic-based courses such as Growth Hacking Course, Advanced Digital Marketing Course, SEO Course, etc. Onsite training allows you to interact face-to-face with the trainers and students which helps you to solve problems easier and faster. One of the good things about GMA is that you get to connect with different marketing professionals.