
2022 年 2 月 3 日

There’s no doubt that the internet is here to stay, and the digital world will replace the real one. Hence, as a business owner or a marketing agent, the faster you acclimatize yourself to this cyberspace, the lesser are the chances of your company being wiped out of competition.  


  • 2022 will see online videos contributing to 82% of cyber traffic. 
  • 54% of viewers want to see more video ads from the brands. 
  • Video ads influence 94% of the customers on their purchase decision. 
  • 82% of viewers would prefer watching live videos to print and photos. 
  • 55% 的人每天觀看線上影片。
  • 86% of companies rely on video marketing. 
  • 94% of businesses claim that videos help in better understanding of the product. 
  • 81% 的影片行銷人員聲稱這種方法有助於提高他們的銷售額。
  • According to 93% of businesses, video marketing has enhanced brand awareness. 
  • 尚未嘗試影片行銷的企業中有79%打算今年開始。


1. 資訊影片:



These are typical TV commercials that have found their way through the digital space and are gaining popularity every day.  A catchy story with fun graphics and an unfading face should do the trick here. With so many brands available in the market, your customer might not remember the name of the brand, but he/she surely will be able to recall and connect with the essence of the ad. These ads should be short and sweet, lasting as long as the viewer's patience, preferably not more than a minute long.

3. 活動影片:

活動影片是吸引流量的最佳方式。我們大多數人都患有 FOMO(害怕錯過),並且喜歡在有重要事情發生時在場。可以在線上舉辦音樂活動、脫口秀甚至作家見面會,以宣傳您的公司。由於社交媒體平台上的分享選項,這些活動最終獲得了巨大的參與人數。

4. 見證影片:

Testimonials are a genuine and organic way to spread the word about your product through your customers. A potential buyer will be all ears when a customer who has already purchased the product sings praises about it. Honest feedback from the existing customers will convince and attract more buyers.  This can be done during an event or a launch of a new product. By asking the existing clients to be in your video ad, you make them feel important, thereby earning more loyalty points.

5. 幕後影片:


6. DIY(自己動手做)影片:

當您將產品或服務變成一種創意時,整個世界都會關注它。您可以聘請專業人士或當地名人為您的品牌製作 DIY 影片。例如,代言某個化妝品牌的名人可以帶領觀眾進行個人化妝課程;牛仔佈公司可以展示以最具創意的方式改造舊牛仔褲的方法;等等等等。

7. 網路研討會影片:



This brilliant mix of a blog and a video, known for its informal format,  is not something we expect from a business firm. However, many companies have been thriving on vlogs to up their marketing game. Vlogs could convey the same amount of information in the blog without the viewer losing patience over the content. This presentation gives you creative independence to cross boundaries and reach the audience.





