2022 年 5 個強大的 Instagram 行銷技巧,可吸引更多粉絲

2021 年 3 月 26 日

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with million users on a monthly basis. According to Statista, the number of Instagram users is projected to reach nearly 1.2 billion users globally, as the most recent forecast suggests. Instagram is largely dominated by Gen Z and Millennials with users ranging between 18 and 34 years old. In other words, Instagram plays an important role in influencing millennials for their purchasing behavior, implementing brand stickiness and raising brand loyalty.  Below are 5 powerful Instagram marketing strategies that can help you get more active followers and engaged audiences. Learn with us and start boosting your Instagram account today!

1. Standardize Instagram Visuals 

視覺品牌形像是關於您的企業在社群媒體上的外觀和感覺。保持貼文風格一致可以建立更強大的品牌形象並打動更多用戶。品牌標誌由標誌、圖像、字體和顏色等不同元素組成。透過使用一致的色調、濾鏡和房屋風格來標準化 Instagram 帖子,有助於使 Instagram 佈局看起來更具吸引力。具有強大品牌形象的 Instagram 帳戶通常會獲得更多的終身追隨者。

Enchante.io 和 haato.co 是兩家 Instagram 商店,擁有使用大地色調標準化 Instagram 視覺效果的好例子。

2. 有策略地使用 Instagram #hashtag

Hashtags help to increase your Instagram discoverability and to get new followers. However, creating too many #hashtag #with #every #single #possibility would not help. As social spaces become increasingly crowded, it is essential to create hashtags that are more engaged and effective. The Hashtag Pyramid breaks down the tags by the size of the audience, from broad to niche. Analyze your targeted audiences by using the Hashtag Pyramid  and create hashtags that are suitable for community, demographics, and interests. You can refer to the example below and try to create a hashtag with the provided template below.

透過從金字塔的每一層中僅選擇一個來堆疊主題標籤的組合。此策略將幫助您吸引多個受眾,而不會疏遠最有可能關注您的人。另外,您將#避免#looking #spammy。

例如,The Faceshop Malaysia 使用熱門品牌標籤 #THEFACESHOPMalaysia、一般主題標籤 #CSR、表情標籤 #SpreadTheLove 和社區標籤 #relaybersamajiayou 來呼籲馬來西亞同胞作為一個整體保持堅強,透過傳播歡呼和幫助來應對這一流行病。一個。在馬來西亞運動控制令 (MCO) 期間,消費者可以幫助有需要的社區,同時購買日常必需的美容產品。 The Face Shop Malaysia 創建了一個具有 3 種不同語言的社群標籤#relaybersamajiayou,以吸引更多受眾並與追蹤者互動。

3. Manage Instagram  Stories Actively

As mentioned, there are nearly 1.2 billion Instagram users globally and half of them are active users of Instagram story, according to Statista. Instagram stories provide great opportunities to engage with followers and build connections. There are many features on Instagram stories like Q&A, voting, repost and redirect links that help you understand what your followers like. So remember to create content for Instagram stories and manage feeds actively to identify your followers and convert them into future customers. 

4. 保持持續的用戶參與度

用戶參與度對於 Instagram 行銷非常重要。只要評論和直接訊息是由真實用戶或追蹤者回覆的,那麼評論或訊息是否只是表情符號並不重要。同時,Instagram 演算法能夠識別機器人或用戶的垃圾評論。因此,我們作弊是不值得的。 。嘗試鼓勵用戶發表評論並做出回應。它有助於在 Instagram 上吸引活躍的追蹤者。


5. 創造值得保存的內容

Instagram演算法除了關注持續的用戶參與度之外,還關心高品質的內容,而保存量在這裡起著重要作用,因為它表明用戶發現了值得再次修改的內容。因此,Instagram 演算法會將這些貼文展示給更多人。資訊內容是最有可能值得保存以供將來重新訪問的內容類型。如果您的品牌與教育相關,請嘗試創建資訊圖表等內容,在 Instagram 上提供知識和資訊。 Instagram是一個高度視覺導向的管道,社群具有很高的親和力,因此請記住創建具有良好視覺效果的內容,同時與品牌理念保持一致。

事實上,隨著新功能的不斷推出,Instagram行銷的策略還是有很多的。如果您想了解更多有關 Instagram 行銷和其他社交媒體行銷的信息,您可以學習以下課程,以獲取更多指南、策略和參考。希望每個人都能找到自己的方式來管理強大的 Instagram行銷策略!


Udemy是全球知名的開放式線上學習平台。使用者可以隨時在Udemy上找到自己想要的領域的課程,不受時間和距離的限制。 Udemy旗下有許多Instagram行銷和Instagram管理課程,可以依照自己的興趣和需求來選擇。





Growth Marketer Academy (GMA) is the first growth marketing school in Asia, with footprints in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore. The most popular course in GMA is the 3-month growth marketing training bootcamp. GMA also provides many short-term programs with topic-based courses  such as Instagram workshops, SEO courses, etc. Offline teaching is offered by GMA, therefore you can interact face-to-face with lecturers, solve problems directly, and get to know many other marketers.